<1:47 pm OOC> Pranzor (GM) says, "Character names will now be reliably freed up if you choose not to select the stat options and abort the veteran character generation."
<1:48 pm OOC> Pranzor (GM) says, "Yeah, it never deleted the character. Characters deleted before 30 days free the name up for reuse."
<1:56 pm OOC> Pranzor (GM) says, "?veteran character packages"
<1:56 pm OOC> Pranzor (GM) says, "I've yet to implement this but it is a look at the upcoming grid of packages."
<1:56 pm OOC> Pranzor (GM) says, "Maximum @retire package will be 19."
<2:30 pm OOC> Pranzor (GM) says, "Patricians on a freebie account no longer get income. If that is helpful in anyone's decision."
Correction of previous post that I can't edit:
<2:51 pm OOC> Pranzor (GM) says, "VC level 20 has been added into the pool for mythic perks for the premium tier."
<1:52 pm OOC> Pranzor (GM) says, "Romulus will no longer accept custom items."
<5:25 pm OOC> Pranzor (GM) says, "The VC combat trainer has been updated to teach to rank 300 in all of his skills."
<5:25 pm OOC> Pranzor (GM) says, "We'll be working over time to add more items to the VC stores, as well as doing a review of skills taught."
Pranzor (GM) says, "Level 0 VC package is now free for Premium accounts. 50 RPs for everyone else."
<6:54 pm OOC> Pranzor (GM) says, "The veteran character generator is live once again with the free level 0 option for Premium Accounts."
Package(Cost) GSPs Credits Wealth Attributes Extras 0. ( 50 rps)* 100 0 0t 5 None
Pranzor (GM) says, "You will see the time you last rolled now as well: You already rolled a character on 3:15 pm, Sunday, January 26, 2025. You can only roll a character once every 1 day."
<11:22 am OOC> Pranzor (GM) says, "You can now wield a shield while wearing manica or sleeves. Sleeves/manica should not stack."
Message 4540 ($mail_message_432504) on *news:
From: Pranzor
To: *news
When: 4:06 pm, Sunday, February 02, 2025
Subject: New Warrant Times and Fines
New list of Warrants with reduced times and increased monetary fines:
1. Petty Theft 30 min 1t
2. Larceny 1 hr 2t
3. Heavy Larceny 4.0 hrs 5t
4. Damage to Private Property 1 day 1t
5. Theft of Public Property 2 days 1t
6. Damage to Public Property 2 days 1t
7. Minor Possession of Contraband 3.0 hrs 10t
8. Major Possession of Contraband 6.0 hrs 20t
9. Possession of Outlawed Magical Items 2.0 hrs 5t
10. Harassment 1 hr 1t
11. Public Aggression 1 hr 1t
12. Minor Assault 1 hr 1t
13. Major Assault 2.0 hrs 2t
14. Assault of an Official 6.0 hrs 2t
15. Assault of a Patrician 2 days 2t
16. Kidnapping and Confinement 4 days 5t
17. Attempted Murder 4 days 5t
18. Murder of a Foreigner 4 days 5t
19. Murder of an Official 12 wks 5t
20. Murder of a Humilore 12 wks 10t
21. Murder of a Honestiore 12 wks 15t
22. Murder of a Patrician 12 wks 20t
23. Banditry 12 wks 5t
24. Impropriety 1 hr 1t
25. Resisting Arrest 1 hr 1t
26. Disturbing the Peace 1 hr 1t
27. Interfering with an Official 4 days 5t
28. Bribery 4 days 1t
29. Conspiracy to Commit a Crime 4 days 1t
30. Forgery 4 days 1t
31. Impersonation 1 hr 1t
32. Concealment of Identity 2.0 hrs 5t
33. Impersonation of a Patrician 3 days 2t
34. Fraud 3 days 1t
35. Defrauding the Republic 1 wk 5t
36. Abuse of the Public Trust 1 wk 5t
37. Jail Time Outstanding 10 min 100d
38. Blasphemous Worship and Teachings 1 day 1t
39. Use of Outlawed Magics (Minor) 1 hr 5t
40. Use of Outlawed Magics (Major) 6.0 hrs 10t
41. Blasphemous Propaganda 2 wks 5t
42. Treason 49 wks 50t
43. Enemy of the Republic 49 wks 50t
Penalty for non-payment is the greater of either the jail time multiplied by 4 or the fine in sens
divided by 24.
<5:46 pm OOC> Pranzor (GM) says, "Kelestian Tunnelers and Kelestian Servitors are no longer "A Kelestian something" when you look at them."