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SG Explosion
SG Explosion
Group: Moderator
Joined: 09/22/2020
Title: Story Guide Moderator
We do love to see suggestions I would also encourage anyone ...

In forum Eternal City Game World

5 months ago
The promo for March 2024 is half-off Purchase Superior Weapo...

In forum Eternal City Staff News

5 months ago
A few major combat changes: Staves Defensive Sweep...

In forum Eternal City Staff News

5 months ago
Half off GSP and Swapping Skill Slots for the remainder of F...

In forum Eternal City Staff News

6 months ago
@stonespyder The best I can do is mention it to the GMs when...

In forum Eternal City Administrivia

8 months ago
I passed this along to Paragon who took the time to create a...

In forum Eternal City Administrivia

9 months ago
Hey folks just wanted to let you know that the pacing of sto...

In forum Eternal City Staff News

9 months ago
I have seen some story feedback that I wanted to address wit...

In forum Eternal City Administrivia

9 months ago
More room for the future!

In forum Eternal City Game World

9 months ago
It just so happens that there should be bits of this floatin...

In forum Eternal City Game World

9 months ago
I do not have a response to share with you Herdias. If you a...

In forum Eternal City Mechanics

10 months ago
Nothing here. I will bring it up when I see the GM staff aga...

In forum Eternal City Administrivia

10 months ago
So this was NOT just a quick AFK and for that I am sorry fol...

In forum Eternal City Staff News

10 months ago
I just got back myself from sickness so I will try to track ...

In forum Eternal City Administrivia

10 months ago
This will have to be addressed by the GM staff but your best...

In forum Eternal City Administrivia

10 months ago
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